Every channel, every social feed, every newspaper (you remember these, right? those black-and-white paper thingies that used to be sources of unbiased news?) is overrun with disturbing news about the COVID-19 pandemic. One of my best friends sends out a series of stay-at-home funnies every morning – and they ARE funny, as long as I don’t think too hard about how they are not. Even my kids’ teachers are assigning projects in history, English, and theology about the impact of this historic virus.

As a public relations professional, I’m equally inundated with COVID-19 news in my work life, particularly as many of our clients are in the life sciences/medical/pharmaceuticals, financial, or technology industries. There’s no escape. It is hard to keep my chin up, though, I must because my high school senior daughter needs someone to keep her smiling these days.

Fortunately, my clients are – well, awesome. Yep, I said it: my clients are a ray of sunshine amidst a cloudy newsfeed. They are working around the clock, literally, to innovate new technologies and medicines to either treat, cure, speed the development of treatments or cures, or enable business continuity for other critical businesses with free licenses of remote software. Many of my clients are doing selfless acts of charity, too.

My clients are depending on Barbadora Ink to help inform the world about their important innovations. But it’s not easy – not because we are not capable. It’s not easy because there are high decibels of COVID-19 noise overwhelming the media right now. Some companies are stealing valuable airtime and ink by taking advantage of this pandemic. You read that right: TAKING ADVANTAGE OF A PANDEMIC!

Of course, we are up for the challenge, and have already succeeded in securing coverage for our deserved clients. <<Search Veeva, Vlocity, Medable, or Evolve IP>> On the other hand, we recently turned down a potential client that came to us, looking to “get his piece of the COVID media pie.” They had no new products or offerings or innovation or charitable project to announce. Nada. So, we turned him down flat. The company had nothing of value to add to the pandemic conversation – just noise. They wanted ‘media’ for nothing…(and their chicks for free). #DireStraitsRule

Barbadora Ink continues to be successful because we honor the partnership between journalists and publicists by only delivering real news – genuine innovations that are important for others to hear about. It’s a two-way street that hinges on mutual respect. Now, more than ever, PR pros need to do their jobs and not peddle self-promotional dribble for unashamed clients under the shameful guise of COVID-19 “news.” We cannot waste the media’s time. And we can’t add to the gloom.

There’s already so much dreariness in the world right now. As PR pros, let’s do our part and make space for those rare rays of sunshine rather than add to the darkness. Recognize real news from commercialism, and spare the media. They’re out on the front lines too.

Mostly, thank you to all of our amazing clients who are working so hard, selflessly, and with great determination. We’ve got your back. We will make sure that your rays of sun shine bright.